Spring’s Promise

Spring’s Promise May 28, 2015


At last in the area of Central California where I live, far up into the mountains of the El Dorado National Forest, we feel the touch of Spring. Although we have had snow in June before, by this time, we usually accept that the threat is gone and the biting chill in the air gives way to fragrant and fresh mountain air. The active time of the year begins and we feel the stirrings of new life and new beginnings within.

Spring’s Promise

When Mother Earth shakes off her sleep

And stirs the world to wake

Our fields and forests, beasts and birds

And fishes in the lake

All loose the chains of Winter’s hold

An answer to her call

In breathless, eager joy of life

All creatures great and small

Embrace the promise of warmth to come

The quickened life within

The Wheel now turns the sacred path

And heralds work begin

As Nature shakes away the cold

From fur, scale, feather, and skin

So do we do we also wake to life

As without, so within

~~Katrina Rasbold


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