What Would Your (Secular) Ten Commandments Be? Your Answers Could Be Worth Up To $10,000 October 31, 2014

What Would Your (Secular) Ten Commandments Be? Your Answers Could Be Worth Up To $10,000

Yesterday, I posted an excerpt from a new book called Atheist Mind, Humanist Heart: Rewriting the Ten Commandments for the Twenty-first Century by Lex Bayer (a Silicon Valley entrepreneur) and John Figdor (the Humanist chaplain at Stanford University).

In conjunction with the book launch, they’re also running a contest in which you can win a lot of money — up to $10,000 — by telling them what would be included in your personal Ten Commandments.

In short, tell them your new Commandment (in the length of a Tweet), along with an explanation of why it’s important to you. After the November 30 deadline, the judges — including Mythbusters’ Adam Savage, Camp Quest’s Amanda Metskas, some brown dude, and several others — will select the best ones.

Even if you don’t win, anything you say will still be better than the actual Ten Commandments since they probably won’t require worshiping false idols or come with the penalty of death.

All the rules are right here. Good luck!

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