Christian Conference Organizers Asked Me to Share My Views on Gay Marriage… So This is What I Sent Them November 12, 2014

Christian Conference Organizers Asked Me to Share My Views on Gay Marriage… So This is What I Sent Them

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from the organizers of the NINES, an online-only conference for evangelical Christians. (People would presumably purchase the live-stream and watch it with their small groups or church staffs.) Because the theme was “Culture Crash,” they asked me if I wanted to make a video discussing my views on same-sex marriage. They gave me five minutes and no restrictions (other than, you know, please don’t swear because there may be kids watching).

That was quite courageous of them to do, I thought, and the video I made is now online on the Atheist Voice channel. Take a look:

A rough transcript of the video can be found on the YouTube page in the “About” section.

I hope you feel like it was a fair message to send, though if you would’ve said something different, I’d love to know.

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