Kiva Atheists Are Giving New Members of the Group $25 to Loan to Those in Need April 3, 2015

Kiva Atheists Are Giving New Members of the Group $25 to Loan to Those in Need

Longtime readers of this site know that the Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists and the Non-Religious group on microlending website Kiva is among the most popular on the site. We have loaned out more money than any other group and given out the most loans total. (The Kiva Christians group comes in second in both categories.)

Right now, for a limited time, the atheists are giving away $25 worth of free loans to new members of their group:

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity and respect, and each of us has a part to play in breaking the cycle of poverty.

When you make your first Kiva loan, you’ll automatically join the growing A+ lending team community — and for a limited time you’ll also get to make a free $25 loan! Just select a borrower to support, and you’ll see the free trial applied to your account during checkout.

If you haven’t joined up, now would be a great time to do so. Just use the link here.

(Thanks to Scott for the link)

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