A Public High School in Georgia Just Had a Local Church “Present the Gospel” to Students April 17, 2015

A Public High School in Georgia Just Had a Local Church “Present the Gospel” to Students

Troup County Comprehensive High School is the place that recently invited Creationist Eric Hovind to give an anti-evolution presentation under the guise of teaching critical thinking. Principal Chip Medders defended the invitation, saying that faith wasn’t a part of the presentation so it was okay (even though the presentation slides included religious references).

If you thought Medders was at least spooked by all the unwanted attention, think again. A local church just posted this on Facebook:

This morning our team was at Troup County High School and was able to present the Gospel to an auditorium full of students!

We love seeing people from all walks of life experience the start of a new life in Christ, and what a great place to see it happen! #GoTigers #ThreeLifestudents

How the hell did a church gain access to the school — presumably during the school day?

And why would school officials allow them to preach the gospel to students?

I’m looking into it. Will post more soon. It’s possible this occurred before school, but the message is vague enough to demand attention.

(Thanks to Scott for the link)

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