This Swingers Club Was Banned from Opening Near a Christian School… Until the Owners Rebranded It As a Church April 17, 2015

This Swingers Club Was Banned from Opening Near a Christian School… Until the Owners Rebranded It As a Church

Earlier this year, a swingers club wanted to open up right across from Goodpasture Christian School in Nashville, Tennessee. Not on purpose, of course, but because it was in a good location. It’s not like the two would have anything to do with each other.

Still, it wasn’t long before the local city council passed a zoning regulation that would ban the club from that particular area.

But the founders of “The Social Club” have figured out a loophole: They’ll just rebrand themselves as a church:

[Goodpasture Christian School President Ricky] Perry said the revised plans are essentially the same as before, only what was once labeled “the dungeon” has now been converted to a “choir room.” And the former “game room” is now called the “fellowship hall.”

“It’s obvious to me that all they’re trying to do is find another way to legally, or through some loophole, accomplish what they want to do,” Perry said.

Metro Codes has given the owners permission to renovate as a church. Before they open for business, they will have to prove worship is actually going on behind closed doors.

Oh, I’m sure there will be worship…

Just goes to show you: When in doubt, just say it’s part of your religion.

The school says the fight’s not yet over. Good luck with that. The swingers now have Jesus on their side!

… or at least people screaming his name.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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