Here’s Part Two of a Secretly-Videotaped Jehovah’s Witness Apostasy Trial April 19, 2015

Here’s Part Two of a Secretly-Videotaped Jehovah’s Witness Apostasy Trial

Last week, I posted video of a Jehovah’s Witness apostasy trial. Isaac had criticized some of the Church’s teachings and this was his last chance to explain himself. (If disfellowshipped, Isaac’s friends and family members still in the Church would be prohibited from ever speaking to him again.)

Part two of his hidden camera video is now online.

Amazing, isn’t it, how the Elders just dodge every question? Like Isaac says in the video, people can Google the Church’s teachings and find out how much bullshit is involved. And Satan has nothing to do with it.

The more sunlight we can shine on JW practices, the faster people will realize how awful this organization really is.

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