Apparently, True Christians Should Attend Gay Weddings Only to Object and Remind the Couple They’ll Burn in Hell April 22, 2015

Apparently, True Christians Should Attend Gay Weddings Only to Object and Remind the Couple They’ll Burn in Hell

I’m not sure why any gay couple would invite anti-gay Christians to their wedding, but caller “Ricky” told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on his radio show that there’s only one reason True Christians™ should ever accept the invite:

The only reason that any Christian would ever attend a homosexual wedding is, when the preacher says, “Is there any objection to the wedding,” you stand up and say, “Yes, according to the Bible, sodomy. You will burn in Hell for this.” That is the only reason why any Christian would ever attend a sodomite wedding.

I guess it’s like that story in the Bible where Jesus was invited to a wedding, but then He caused a scene to make it all about Him.

Even Perkins brushed off the comment, not disagreeing with it but suggesting (correctly, I would add) that the Christians who would ever do such a thing probably wouldn’t be on the guest list in the first place.

(via Right Wing Watch. Image via Shutterstock)

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