Right on Cue, Here Are a Bunch of Christians Telling Bruce Jenner He Needs Jesus April 24, 2015

Right on Cue, Here Are a Bunch of Christians Telling Bruce Jenner He Needs Jesus

Earlier tonight, Bruce Jenner told Diane Sawyer that “for all intents and purposes, I am a woman.”

Congratulations to him (his preferred pronoun) for having the courage to say so publicly. Even for a reality TV star, that couldn’t have been easy.

But leave it to Christians on Twitter (and an ignorant Catholic blogger on Patheos) to tell Jenner what he *really* needs…

Ugh… and this is only the beginning, I’m sure. If that’s what “loving the sinner” looks like, no wonder so many people want nothing to do with Christianity.

(via @StuffCCLikes)

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