There Are More Atheists Than Southern Baptists in the U.S. Military… So Why Don’t We Have Any Chaplains? April 24, 2015

There Are More Atheists Than Southern Baptists in the U.S. Military… So Why Don’t We Have Any Chaplains?

A few important numbers reported by Bob Smietana in Christianity Today:

Active duty military personnel who are Southern Baptists: 12,360
Active duty military personnel who are atheists: 12,764

Active duty chaplains who are Southern Baptists: 437
Active duty chaplains who are atheists: 0

Jason Heap filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Navy and Department of Defense alleging religious discrimination last November. If successful, he would become the first Humanist chaplain in the military.

But if he were Southern Baptist, you can almost bet he’d be a chaplain by now.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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