Matt Dillahunty Deserved a Bigger Laugh for This Sye Ten Bruggencate Joke May 20, 2015

Matt Dillahunty Deserved a Bigger Laugh for This Sye Ten Bruggencate Joke

On the latest episode of The Atheist ExperienceMatt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti took a call from a gentleman who wanted to present an argument against presuppositional apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate. The discussion led to Matt making an off-the-cuff zinger that deserved a bigger laugh than it got.

If you want to hear the joke in its natural habitat along with the full caller question, it’s episode #918.

Last summer, as you might recall, Dillahunty debated Bruggencate. It was a rather unfortunate experience for Sye, but Dillahunty’s effortless victory is still a buzz with his show’s callers (even if he seems kind of over the topic himself).

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