Hey, Ray Comfort: Josh Duggar Accepted Christ When He Was Seven Years Old May 26, 2015

Hey, Ray Comfort: Josh Duggar Accepted Christ When He Was Seven Years Old

Remember the other day when Ray Comfort defended Josh Duggar by saying he just wasn’t a real Christian when he molested those little girls?

Standing by my friend Josh Duggar, as a brother in Christ. This was in his BC [Before Christ] days. Such were some of us.

We can finally say that Ray Comfort is full of shit.

(I’m just kidding. We’ve said that for a long time.)

On Josh and Anna Duggar‘s website, there’s a page full of their biographies, and right up at the top is this line:

Josh was raised in Arkansas, the first child born to Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar. He accepted Christ at the age of seven, was homeschooled and graduated from High School at the age of sixteen.

He accepted Christ when he was seven.

Then he touched his sisters’ breasts and vaginas when he was 14.

Your move, Comfort…

(I’ve reached out to him for a response. I’ll post an update if/when I hear back.)

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