She Got Rid of Her Purity Ring and Then Tried to Find Her First Partner June 1, 2015

She Got Rid of Her Purity Ring and Then Tried to Find Her First Partner

Arla Knudsen was a purity-ring-wearing Christian… until she realized she just didn’t feel that way anymore. She told the New York Times about how she shed her faith and subsequently tried to overcome her virginity, too:

When I was a kid, I loved making cheese sandwiches. I made them every day. And then, one day, I was like, no, like, I can’t do this anymore. I’ve eaten too many. I think that’s almost my taste for religion. It’s a food that you don’t want to eat anymore. I made the decision that I wasn’t going to wait.

While her first experience wasn’t the greatest thing ever (is it ever?), it gave her a sort of freedom she didn’t have when she was wearing the ring. I’m sure a lot of people could share similar stories.

(Thanks to Terry for the link)

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