A Wonderful (Long) Explanation of Why Tesla Cars Are So Amazing June 3, 2015

A Wonderful (Long) Explanation of Why Tesla Cars Are So Amazing

Tim Urban of Wait But Why has a freakishly long and incredibly down-to-earth explanation of why Tesla cars are such a big deal. But it’s not just him fawning over his recent visit to the company and conversation with founder Elon Musk.

Instead, he gives us a sort of wonderful textbook chapter on how energy works, how cars developed, and why what Tesla is doing is so revolutionary. It’s a perfect read for a high school student… or (*ahem*) an adult who would otherwise be lost in these discussions.

It’s interesting, funny, and educational. (And it makes me really want a Tesla. Elon, hook me up.) Do yourself a favor and print it out or bookmark it and read it when you have an hour to spare.

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