An Atheist Rock Song for Those on the Fence About Their Faith June 16, 2015

An Atheist Rock Song for Those on the Fence About Their Faith

Peter D’Angelo, a composer who normally creates music for TV and film, put together this nifty atheist-friendly rock anthem. Sounds amazing and the lyrics are unlike anything you’ll ever hear on the radio:

They call me damaged, broken, and wrong,
how can I be good?
One big difference is if I could save this planet, I would.
You question my moral code,
but to carry that burden of proof is quite a load.
Be careful with those tales, legends, and lore,
They’re just made up by men who couldn’t think of anything more.

It’s about time you used your mind,
To think for yourself, it’s not a crime.
Imagine what the world would be like if you did?
In science I trust, it’s a must,
there’s no miracle, we come from Stardust.
Live this one and only life like there’s no other one.

How is this not part of an album yet…?

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