The Trailer for Ray Comfort’s New Anti-Gay Movie is Now Online June 16, 2015

The Trailer for Ray Comfort’s New Anti-Gay Movie is Now Online

Following his 2011 anti-abortion movie and his 2013 anti-evolution movie, Christian apologist Ray Comfort raised $332,000 for his new anti-homosexuality film project. (Which makes sense, I guess, for a guy best known for his banana video.)

The trailer for that movie, Audacity, is now online:

As far as I can tell, the film is all about how exposure to lesbians will cause you to be killed in a robbery shootout. #ChristianLogic

(Also, isn’t Kirk Cameron Comfort’s BFF? How is he not in this movie?)

The movie is available for download on June 24. We’ll do our best to post a review when it’s out.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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