A Former President of Atheist Alliance of America Has Died of Cancer June 21, 2015

A Former President of Atheist Alliance of America Has Died of Cancer

Yesterday afternoon, we lost a wonderful atheist leader.

Chuck VonDerAhe, a former President of Atheist Alliance of America, died after a battle with cancer. He was 66 years old. Christine Shellska, AAA’s current President, said that Chuck bequeathed his estate to the organization.

A science-advocate till the end, his body will be donated to a local university for research purposes.

Chuck and I in 2010

I was going back through our emails over the years, and there was a time when they would pretty much alternate between serious conversations and him sending me Photoshopped pictures of babies because he knew I found those images hilarious.

Even last month, as he read articles about how Millennials are losing their faith in record numbers, he jokingly posted on Facebook, “I finally become an old white man and they change the demographics on me” 🙂

Jokes aside, though, he was an awesome guy and a fantastic leader. We lost a good one.

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