Unvaccinated Child in Spain Dies from Diphtheria June 28, 2015

Unvaccinated Child in Spain Dies from Diphtheria

Earlier this month, I posted about a couple in Spain that didn’t get their six-year-old vaccinated even though it would have been free. That child was later admitted to the hospital with diphtheria, which hadn’t been seen in the country since 1986.

See? It’s not that hard.

The parents later said that they were “tricked” by anti-vaccination groups and would have gotten the vaccination if they just had proper information.

But it’s too late now. I’m sorry to say that the child died yesterday morning:

Bianca Pont, spokeswoman for the Vall d’Hebron university hospital, said in a statement that the patient, who had been admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit on May 30, died in the early hours of Saturday.

Well, shit.

What makes the story even more depressing is the fact that this was completely preventable. Unfortunately, the constant stream of misinformation from anti-vaxxers hit this boy’s parents, leading them to their irresponsible, and ultimately fatal, decision,

(Image via Shutterstock. Thanks to Sharon for the link)

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