Homophobic Preachers Try Saving an Adorable First-Grader; Guess Who Wins That Showdown? July 1, 2015

Homophobic Preachers Try Saving an Adorable First-Grader; Guess Who Wins That Showdown?

This first-grader shows more love through silence and a rainbow flag than the annoying Christian preachers trying to “save” her:

According to the video description:

This was not a march, or a political event. The preacher was accosting festival goers, including other families with children. His rhetoric, before being confronted by a small girl, was graphic, and bigoted. He was escorted out by police a short time later. Zea was not there to protest. She volunteers at Comfest every year, and was on her way to spend her volunteer tokens on pizza.

The event took place in Columbus, Ohio.

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