A Song About Letting Go of Your Imaginary Friends July 17, 2015

A Song About Letting Go of Your Imaginary Friends

Peter D’Angelo, a composer who normally creates music for TV and film, put together another nifty atheist-friendly rock song. This one’s called “Imaginary Friends”:

You’ve got substance; you’ve got some brains
Why do you want to be all locked up in those chains?
Please reconsider, you oughta know
Relax your grip and breathe, it’s cool, be less devote.
Creation? Intelligent design?
Only vintners can turn water into wine
Think about it, you know you want to
Once you start, your closed-mind will come unglued

You should know better, Kids play pretend
Let go of your imaginary friends
Open your mind, Clean your lens
Time to Let go of your Imaginary Friends

Man, these are catchy. You can hear his previous track here.

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