The Duggars Are Very Sad They Can’t Spread the Word of Jesus on TV Anymore July 22, 2015

The Duggars Are Very Sad They Can’t Spread the Word of Jesus on TV Anymore

The Duggar family, fresh off the cancellation of their TV show and not-so-fresh off the Josh Duggar scandal rocking their household, is apparently very upset they’ve lost the greatest vehicle to proselytize to the public:

The source [who has worked closely with them] says the evangelical Christian family, who often discussed their religious faith on their TLC show, is “heartbroken that they’ve now lost that platform.”

“The Duggars want to return to TV because they truly believe it was part of God’s plan for them to spread the word about their faith,” the source says.

Right. Just like it was God’s plan to let four daughters get molested by one son. If anything, they’ve added a few more lines to the ever-growing list of reasons people want to stay the hell away from Christianity.

Also: “God’s plan” is a nice euphemism for money.

Also: I’ve never heard a Christian say “I found Jesus after watching the Duggars.” Do those people seriously exist?

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