Friendly Atheist Podcast Episode 69: Dan Barker, Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation August 23, 2015

Friendly Atheist Podcast Episode 69: Dan Barker, Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation

Our latest podcast guest is Dan Barker, a former minister and co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (along with his wife Annie Laurie Gaylor).

Barker was a teenage evangelist and longtime preacher before he stepped away from God for good. In addition to his work with the FFRF, he’s also the author of Godless (2008) and Life Driven Purpose (2015).

I spoke with Barker about why he goes on The Daily Show even when the segments aren’t very kind to him, his next project encouraging people to read the Bible, and how all Christian ministers are “slaves traders.” (Yep.)

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