Jesus Pets a Jackalope on Billboard Advertising South Dakota Atheist Conference August 23, 2015

Jesus Pets a Jackalope on Billboard Advertising South Dakota Atheist Conference

This coming Saturday, I’ll be speaking at SkepDakota in Sioux Falls. (If you’re in the area, check it out!)

How do you advertise a conference like that? The organizers, who had a few extra dollars in their budget, were able to get a billboard featuring Jesus petting a jackalope. Because why not, that’s why.

Nice to see two mythological beings hugging in solidarity 🙂

To quote organizer Amanda Novotny:

We’re hopeful that our Jesus and Jackalope billboard will catch the attention of atheists, skeptics, and non-believers in the area who will come and join us in the day of fun and learning that is SkepDakota!

You can find the billboard at the intersection of Russell Street & Minnesota Avenue.

Information on the conference, including speakers and prices, can be found here.

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