Attendees at Atheist Conference Packaged and Delivered More Than 30,000 Meals for the Hungry September 14, 2015

Attendees at Atheist Conference Packaged and Delivered More Than 30,000 Meals for the Hungry

Now this is pretty damn awesome.

At the Pennsylvania State Atheist/Humanist Conference (PAStAHcon) this weekend, in addition to the usual lectures, the organizers held a special event where volunteers could pack food for the hungry.

They raised more than $7,500 for the cause and ultimately boxed up more than 30,000 meals:

All the boxes were sent to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

That’s just amazing. And with all the regional conferences atheists have, there’s no reason other groups can’t do the same thing. It takes some dedicated volunteers to organize, but this is the sort of activity we should be doing. If we want people to ditch prayer, we need to show them how to be part of the solution.

Kudos to the folks at Pennsylvania Nonbelievers who made this possible.

(All photos courtesy of Lindsey Ford)

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