Tennessee Lt. Governor Tells “Serious” Christians to Arm Themselves After UCC Shooting October 2, 2015

Tennessee Lt. Governor Tells “Serious” Christians to Arm Themselves After UCC Shooting

Even though there’s no solid evidence that yesterday’s shooting at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College was directed at Christians, that’s not stopping Tennessee Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey from assuming this was a religiously motivated crime.

On Facebook today, Ramsey told his followers that Christians are under attack and “serious” believers needed to arm themselves:

The recent spike in mass shootings across the nation is truly troubling. Whether the perpetrators are motivated by aggressive secularism, jihadist extremism or racial supremacy, their targets remain the same: Christians and defenders of the West.

While this is not the time for widespread panic, it is a time to prepare. I would encourage my fellow Christians who are serious about their faith to think about getting a handgun carry permit. I have always believed that it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.

Our enemies are armed. We must do likewise.

This is where Christian Persecution Complex gets dangerous.

Let’s give a bunch of people who already overreact to situations a weapon! What could possibly go wrong?

I know you’ve heard this before, but more guns isn’t the solution to gun violence. More guns in the hands of people who wrongly think their rights are being trampled upon and their existence is in jeopardy is frightening.

And if Ramsey wants Christians to be armed, he should at least have the courtesy to remind us all which type of gun Jesus used.

(Thanks to Virginia for the link)

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