Mother Teresa’s Charity Ends Adoptions in India So Kids Won’t Have Divorced or Gay Parents October 11, 2015

Mother Teresa’s Charity Ends Adoptions in India So Kids Won’t Have Divorced or Gay Parents

Christopher Hitchens would have had a field day with this…

The Missionaries of Charity, the group founded by Mother Teresa, will no longer be handling adoptions in India. The decision has nothing to do with financial troubles, though.

India has opened up adoption to prospective parents who are single, divorced or separated.

Speaking about the decision not to offer adoptions, Sister Amala told local media: “The new guidelines hurt our conscience. They are certainly not for religious people like us. … What if the single parent who we give our baby [to] turns out to be gay or lesbian? What security or moral upbringing will these children get? Our rules only allow married couples to adopt.

Yes, what will these poor kids do if the loving people who adopt them turn out to be WHO THE HELL CARES AT THAT POINT SINCE THE KIDS ARE ADOPTED BY LOVING PARENTS?!

This is Pope Francis Catholicism for you. They would love to help, but they’re held back by the rigid, archaic doctrines of the Church, which they believe are just great for humanity. Forget common sense. The estimated 20 million orphans can fend for themselves.

(Image via catwalker /

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