Texas Pastor Holds Public Dialogue with Atheist Couple to Counter Stereotypes and Misconceptions October 29, 2015

Texas Pastor Holds Public Dialogue with Atheist Couple to Counter Stereotypes and Misconceptions

Credit where it’s due: Pastor Doug Kriz of Grace Christian Church in McKinney, Texas wanted his congregation to get to know atheists in their community. Not to preach to them — not yet, anyway — but to understand why they might disagree with Christian beliefs and to break down the stereotypes.

To do that, he had a public conversation with two local atheists. No shouting. No preaching. Just a chance to hear Kyle and Janie Oyakawa‘s stories firsthand.

I would love to see other churches hold similar events. We know there are plenty of atheists who would love the opportunity to talk about why they are no longer religious — and who can do it in a way that won’t alienate Christians in the crowd.

I haven’t had a chance to listen to the entire conversation yet, but if any parts stand out to you, please leave a timestamp/summary in the comments!

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