Center For Inquiry Opens Humanists Orphans Center in Kenya November 14, 2015

Center For Inquiry Opens Humanists Orphans Center in Kenya

The Center For Inquiry affiliate in Kenya has a really wonderful project to help “vulnerable children living in disadvantaged areas to make them realize their potential” — and it just grew bigger with the opening of the Humanist Orphans Center:

CFI-Kenya’s Executive Director George Ongere explains what they were doing before and what’s happening now:

Since 2013, through the support from CFI, we have managed to sponsor 11 orphans’ schooling. In this arrangement, we have paid school fees, bought uniforms and books, and helped their guardians to provide some of the children’s basic needs by distributing foodstuffs. We are glad for the continued support from CFI to this particular program that has enabled us to sustain the program.

The [Humanist Orphans Center] will provide computer training and library services. Currently, the center will serve about five schools in the area. Moreover, the center will coordinate the humanist orphans’ project.

You can read more details about the project at CFI’s website. If you like what they’re doing, consider becoming a member.

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