Tomorrow’s Google Doodle Honors the Discovery of “Lucy,” Our Ancient Ancestor November 23, 2015

Tomorrow’s Google Doodle Honors the Discovery of “Lucy,” Our Ancient Ancestor

The front page of Google tomorrow will feature this Doodle, bound to give Creationists a collective aneurysm:

It marks the 41st anniversary of the discovery of Lucy, a set of fossils that helped us understand our species’ own origins:

It was immediately obvious that the skeleton was a momentous find, because the sediments at the site were known to be 3.2 million years old. “I realised this was part of a skeleton that was older than three million years,” says Johanson. It was the most ancient early human — or hominin — ever found. Later it became apparent that it was also the most complete: fully 40% of the skeleton had been preserved.

The Google Doodle will be seen worldwide.

(via Reddit)

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