A Collection of Essays by Christopher Hitchens Has Just Been Published November 24, 2015

A Collection of Essays by Christopher Hitchens Has Just Been Published

Christopher Hitchens died nearly four years ago, yet his presence is still felt by so many atheists I hear from today. They loved his books, they admire his passion, and they still watch his debates and lectures online. While it may come as a surprise to some readers that his criticism often strayed beyond religion, that was the focus of most of his commentary for decades.

Today marks the release of a collection of Hitchens’ previously published essays called And Yet… (Simon & Schuster, 2015). It includes his thoughts on George Orwell, Colin Powell, Salman Rushdie, and so many more.

If you weren’t as familiar with Hitchens until recently, this is a fantastic way to catch up on what you missed. And Yet… is in bookshelves and online beginning today.

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