Mike Huckabee Gets Endorsement from Christian Who Began Starbucks Red Cup Conspiracy Theory January 12, 2016

Mike Huckabee Gets Endorsement from Christian Who Began Starbucks Red Cup Conspiracy Theory

Yesterday, Mike Huckabee released a list of “Conservative Christian and family values leaders” who are endorsing him for President.

There’s a strategic aspect to this I just don’t get. Endorsements are supposed to help you persuade people who are on the fence. If these people like me, you will too!

Conservative Christians supporting Huckabee is supposed to sway who, exactly?

The list includes the usual collection of right-wingers familiar to readers of this site for all the wrong reasons: The anti-gay author of the Left Behind series, an anti-gay pastor who was instrumental in defeating Proposition 8 in California, an anti-gay group leader who made a video saying gays are setting America on fire, etc.

Oh. And this guy:

Yep, Huckabee sought and received an endorsement from vertical-video addict and Starbucks red cup conspiracy creator Joshua Feuerstein.

“I ask myself who Jesus would vote for … and that answer is Governor Mike Huckabee,” Joshua Feuerstein, social media Christian advocate and former television and radio evangelist

That not an endorsement for Huckabee. That’s a slam on Jesus.

Remember: Feuerstein is the guy who slammed a dad for buying his son a Little Mermaid doll, urged Christians to point a gun at their heads so they can get used to what persecution feels like, claimed that a church/state separation case marked the beginning of the “Christian Holocaust,” and blamed the San Bernardino shootings on a lack of forced prayer in public schools.

So congratulations, Mike Huckabee. You’ve locked up the batshit crazy Christian vote.

In a more intelligent, more decent country, this endorsement list would backfire and give people reason not to vote for Huckabee. But we’re talking about a Republican base that won’t settle for anything less than a Christian theocracy.

(via Right Wing Watch. Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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