The Upside-Down Cross Outside a Florida City Hall Now Has a Government-Approved Disclaimer January 20, 2016

The Upside-Down Cross Outside a Florida City Hall Now Has a Government-Approved Disclaimer

Yesterday, I mentioned that activist Chaz Stevens had countered a Nativity scene, Christmas tree, and menorah outside City Hall in Hallandale Beach, Florida with a giant upside-down cross that reads “In Chaz We Trust. All others pay cash.”

That’s what happens when a local government allows religious displays on public property — they can’t say no when someone else makes a very unpopular request.

But get this: Last night, Stevens saw that the city had erected a sign next to his cross:

Hallandale-Satan-Cross-Day-One-No-Power (2003)

This display has been privately installed as an expression of religious freedom.

The views expressed do not represent the city’s administration.

This display is scheduled to be removed by January 22nd.

All of that is perfectly fine. I have no problem with city disclaimers like this.

But where was this sign when the Nativity scene was up? Because they sure as hell didn’t feel the need to distance themselves a month ago.

Stevens told me that he filed a public records request to figure out the conversation that led to this sign.

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