Italian Museum Covers Up Nude Statues During Visit from Iranian President January 27, 2016

Italian Museum Covers Up Nude Statues During Visit from Iranian President

When Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visited Rome during a week-long trip to Europe, he stopped by the famous Musei Capitolini to check out the beautiful artwork.

Which he didn’t get to see since some of the most memorable pieces of art were covered up so as to not offend him.

Such beautiful artwork. I assume...
Such beautiful artwork. I think…

Given the sensibilities of the theocratic Iranian regime, Italian authorities decided to conceal some of the more perhaps offending artworks during Rouhani’s visit. Ply boxes and panels were placed around the objects to obscure them from the Iranian president’s vision, or at least in photo-ops.

Here’s an idea: Next time, just give him a blindfold. He’s visiting Rome, not some Islamic theocracy. If he can’t handle nudity, even through artwork, no one should be bending over backward to accommodate him.

(Image via Shutterstock. Thanks to Gu for the link)

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