73% of Americans Support Football Coaches Who Lead Their Teams in Christian Prayer February 4, 2016

73% of Americans Support Football Coaches Who Lead Their Teams in Christian Prayer

A new survey about football released by the Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with Religion News Service revealed that 73% of Americans believe coaches at public high schools should be allowed to pray to Jesus with their students.


What else do you expect from the country that allowed Donald Trump to become a serious candidate for President?

There’s no room for nuance in the question, but you have to wonder how many of those people would feel the same way if we were talking about a Muslim prayer. It’s hardly surprising that a majority of people support an idea that privileges their own beliefs.

Thankfully, this isn’t a question that’s up for a vote. Even if 99% of people supported these prayers, the First Amendment says it can’t happen, and the courts have sided with the church/state separation crowd every time.

(via Religion Clause)

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