Since the Baby, My Mind is Full of New Thoughts March 17, 2016

Since the Baby, My Mind is Full of New Thoughts

In a piece for Cosmo that has nothing to do with religion, I wrote about thoughts I never had until I became a father:


1. “I no longer care about how I look in public.”

Old jeans? Who cares. A sweater from 1993? Don’t mind if I do. Shaving? Too much work. Bottom line: If it’s not covered in spit-up, I can wear it. Thankfully, I’m no longer going anywhere interesting, so this doesn’t matter.

Plenty more where that came from right here.

Side note: They asked me to submit a picture of me and the baby… which I didn’t want to do for privacy reasons. The only reason I bring that up is because some people saw the image in the piece and pointed out how white I had become. Don’t believe the lies.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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