Two Tennessee Pastors Among Those Arrested For Trying to Hire an Underage Prostitute May 23, 2016

Two Tennessee Pastors Among Those Arrested For Trying to Hire an Underage Prostitute

Sex with an underage prostitute? Sign me up, pastors Jason Kennedy (left) and Zubin Parakh allegedly said. They were caught in a sting operation by Tennessee detectives late last week.

Kennedy, a 46-year-old children’s pastor for Grace Baptist Church, and Parakh, a 32-year-old creative pastor at LifeHouse Church, were among 32 men and women arrested by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation in an anti-trafficking operation, the agency said Friday.


Both men were charged with trafficking and “patronizing prostitution.”

Kennedy has already been fired by his church. The same seems to be true for Parakh, as his parish’s website no longer even mentions him, though videos of him singing and playing guitar at a worship service remain available on Vimeo. In one, he sings “my debt is paid.” The judge will see about that. If it is proven that Parakh and Kennedy attempted to hire an underage girl for sex, the charges could carry a 60-year prison sentence.

Pay that.

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