Atheist Billboard in South Dakota Appears To Have Been Vandalized June 5, 2016

Atheist Billboard in South Dakota Appears To Have Been Vandalized

Last month, atheist Dale Hemming paid for a set of 20 billboards — mostly digital — to let atheists in Sioux Falls, South Dakota know they’re not alone.

One of those billboards was apparently vandalized and Hemming noted it on his website this way:


The Argus Leader has further details:

“This is a nice, clean cut straight across the entire canvas,” Hemming said. “There’s no way the wind did that.”

Sioux Falls Police as of Friday night couldn’t say whether the incident was a vandalism.

Hemming said this was the first time any of the billboards have been vandalized, but he said he wouldn’t be surprised if it happens again.

Because the billboards were already slated to come down on Monday, Hemming told Lamar Advertising not to bother replacing the vandalized sign. Still, I’m glad there’s some attention on the issue. If this was an act of vandalism, what does it say about our society that someone can’t handle the fact that atheists exist? That’s all the sign was saying.

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