Podcast Ep. 114: Katherine Ozment, Author of Grace Without God June 19, 2016

Podcast Ep. 114: Katherine Ozment, Author of Grace Without God

Our latest podcast guest is Katherine Ozment, author of Grace Without God: The Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Belonging in a Secular Age.


Ozment has worked for National Geographic and Boston magazine and been published in the New York Times. She lives in Chicago with her husband and three children.

For years now, she’s been exploring how the ever-growing segment of non-religious parents raise their children. They’re not all atheists, but they have to grapple with the Big Questions about life and death and belonging, all without supernatural faith. She wrote a magazine article about it a few years ago, and she has now written a full-length examination into the topic.

I spoke with her about what secular “grace” looks like, why atheists may want rituals traditionally reserved for the religious, and how the landscape for atheist parents is rapidly changing.

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