Bryan Fischer: The Obergefell Ruling Was When “Moral Jihadists” Committed 9/11 Against Christians June 28, 2016

Bryan Fischer: The Obergefell Ruling Was When “Moral Jihadists” Committed 9/11 Against Christians

It was a year ago today when Christian bigot Bryan Fischer reacted to the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling with a string of tweets comparing that day to 9/11 and saying it was “a date which will live in infamy.”

Needless to say, the sky still hasn’t fallen. And Fischer’s bigotry hasn’t become any more palatable to Americans.

That didn’t stop him, however, from saying many of the same things on his radio show yesterday:

“That day, June 26, 2015, is a date that will live in infamy,” Fischer declared. “Just as the Pearl Harbor date is a date that will live in infamy, so this day in which same-sex marriage was imposed on the United States against the will of the citizens is a date that will live in moral infamy.”

“What moral jihadists did on June 26, 2015,” he continued, “what they did to the twin pillars of truth and righteousness [is] the same thing that the Muslim jihadists did to the World Trade Center on 9/11. So moral jihadists took down the twin pillars of truth and righteousness just like Muslim jihadists took down the twin towers on 9/11.

Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness…

If someone can tell me how same-sex marriage has been “imposed” upon anyone, I’m all ears. If someone can tell me how many Christians have died because gay people can commit to each other with the government’s blessing, I’d love to know. And if someone can tell me why Fischer still has a radio show, I’d like to thank them for making Christianity even more toxic than usual.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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