Comedian Jim Jefferies Tackles Vaccine Denial, Jenny McCarthy, and Agnostics in His Latest Special July 2, 2016

Comedian Jim Jefferies Tackles Vaccine Denial, Jenny McCarthy, and Agnostics in His Latest Special

If you’re looking for something to watch this weekend (and you don’t get offended by anything), be sure to check out Jim Jefferies‘ new Netflix special Freedumb.

The comedian, maybe best known for his gun control routine, holds little back on vaccine denial, Jenny McCarthy, Donald Trump, religion, Agnostics, and (obviously) freedom.


I loved this line: “No one’s head has ever been cut off in the name of atheism.” (Though I really shouldn’t be quoting anything from the special… which you’ll understand if you watch it.)

And be sure to check out this older bit on the absurdity of infant baptism.

(Thanks to Scott for the link)

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