Podcast Ep. 116: Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, Cognitive Psychologist and Memory Expert July 3, 2016

Podcast Ep. 116: Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, Cognitive Psychologist and Memory Expert

At the recent American Humanist Association conference in Chicago, we spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, a cognitive psychologist who specializes in the malleability of human memory. She has done groundbreaking research into why our memories are not always reliable and how we might create false memories that we fully accept as real.


Since earning her Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford University, Dr. Loftus has published 23 books, more than 500 scientific articles, and is currently a Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Irvine.

We spoke with her about how faulty memories can form in our minds, whether research into this subject is ethical, and if “believing the victim” is always the way to go.

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(Screenshot via TED Talks)

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