A Conversation with Ex-Muslims Willing to Speak Out About Their Former Faith August 5, 2016

A Conversation with Ex-Muslims Willing to Speak Out About Their Former Faith

The website Heat Street spoke with a number of ex-Muslims who are now working to help others make the transition out of the faith, no matter how risky that may be. Some gave their real names; others didn’t. Either way, it’s a very compelling video:


… for these ex-Muslims, challenging Islam comes with enormous risk. Our interviewees live in the United States — so they won’t face state persecution. In many allies of the USA, they could be executed for deciding they don’t believe anymore. However, these folks are definitely not protected from being ostracized by some religious hardliners in their families and communities. They decided to speak to us anyway.

Readers may recognize a couple of the people featured as leaders of Ex-Muslims of North America.

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