FFRF Goes After Mississippi Police Department That Can’t Stop Promoting Christianity August 9, 2016

FFRF Goes After Mississippi Police Department That Can’t Stop Promoting Christianity

Last week, I posted about how the Eupora Police Department in Mississippi had put the phrase “In God We Trust” on their vehicles… but rather than leave it at that and just say “We love the U.S. motto!,” they showed their hand by quoting the Bible in a Facebook announcement.



Now the Freedom From Religion Foundation is getting involved, sending a letter to Chief of Police Gregg Hunter, noting the problem with that Bible verse along with several other religious posts made by the department on Facebook:

… EPD’s Facebook page features several other religious posts. For example, its cover photo instructs readers to “PRAY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT.” On July 20 and July 26, the EPD posted photos of gifts that it received from local churches. One post included a message from the church, which contained a verse from Ephesians 1:16. Finally, many posts implore the public to pray with EPD regarding violence against police officers…

We ask that you refrain from posting religious messages on EPD’s official Facebook page, and urge you to remove “In God We Trust” from all EPD vehicles. The EPD should respect the rights of conscience of all citizens, including non-Christians and others who in good conscience reject belief in a god…

This is a police department that completely disregards the law as it pertains to church/state separation. If they’re willing to break laws they don’t like, how can they be trusted to defend the law anywhere else?

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