Oklahoma Christian Charity Now Says It Won’t Accept Money From Churches If Atheists Were Involved August 31, 2016

Oklahoma Christian Charity Now Says It Won’t Accept Money From Churches If Atheists Were Involved

The last time we posted about the Murrow Indian Children’s Home, they had just rejected a donation of well over $20,000 because it came from Matt Wilbourn on behalf of the Muskogee Atheist Community (which he and his wife Keli co-founded).

The organization’s leaders said accepting money from atheists (and giving them credit for it as they do with all their donations) would “go against everything they believe in.”

Matt and Keli Wilbourn
Matt and Keli Wilbourn

Matt said the money raised through his GoFundMe campaign would go to Camp Quest Oklahoma instead — all except for $5,106.47 (including his original donation and amount it took to mail it back to him) which he promised would go to the kids at the Children’s Home, even if the group’s leaders were too stubborn to accept it.

If they wouldn’t take Matt’s money directly, he said, he would donate it anonymously. If they wouldn’t accept that, he would donate the amount to a local church, which would then pass along the same amount to the Children’s Home.

Well, we have a bit of an update on that.

Matt called the Children’s Home today to tell them he wanted to make the anonymous donation — not to get credit, but to make sure they weren’t just going to send the amount back to him as they did before.

He added that “if it would make them feel more comfortable, we can have Father Bob Wickizer from Grace Episcopal Church in Muskogee, OK bring the cashier’s check to them.”

After taking a few minutes to speak with the board of trustees, the staffer called him back with a message: The Children’s Home was still going to refuse his donation “based on their biblical principles.”

Even if it came from a pastor.

That means the Children’s Home is not just rejecting money that’s been raised by atheists, they’re also rejecting checks in the amount of $5,106.47. Because only the devil would ever give that amount, I suppose. They’re rejecting this money, even though they don’t have to give Matt or his atheist group credit.

They’re rejecting the money even when it comes by way of another pastor, because they know atheists were involved in the donation chain.

I know laundered money is frowned upon, but this is ridiculous.

It’s more idiotic stubbornness in the name of Jesus, and the children they’re supposed to be helping are the ones deprived of the kindness of godless strangers.

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