FL Christians Push 2018 Ballot Measure to Potentially Execute Women and Their Abortion Doctors September 27, 2016

FL Christians Push 2018 Ballot Measure to Potentially Execute Women and Their Abortion Doctors

Donald Trump was excoriated earlier this year when he said women who obtained abortions should be punished. That was the wrong answer to traditional pro-lifers, who typically want to see punishment only for the doctors who conduct the procedures.

Now, Abolish Abortion Florida, an evangelical Christian group, isn’t just moving to the right of Trump, it’s jumping off the edge, calling for a ballot measure in 2018 that would treat all abortion providers and receivers as complicit in first degree murder, making them eligible for the death penalty.


The political committee Abolish Abortion Florida (AAFL) has launched a ballot initiative to amend the state’s constitution to punish abortion as capital murder. Under the proposed amendment, anyone who performs or procures an abortion would be charged with first degree, pre-meditated murder

According to AAFL, the idea is not only to collect enough signatures to get the measure onto the 2018 ballot, but also to encourage legislators to begin putting forward legislation to abolish abortion instead of merely regulating it. Per AAFL: “The Supreme Court cannot make murder legal. Pro-life politicians have passed incremental regulations for decades, but it’s time to abolish abortion by recognizing it for what it is — cold-blooded murder — and prosecuting it accordingly.

They’re pro-life and want to see women who get abortions executed… in case you needed more proof that Christians are often hypocrites.

No word yet on whether the women and their doctors should be murdered by way of a firing squad or lethal injection. But I sent them an email to find out.

(via Joe. My. God. Image via Shutterstock)

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