An Advent Calendar… for Atheists October 2, 2016

An Advent Calendar… for Atheists

Don’t believe in God but miss the holiday traditions? The Australian company Strange Society has you covered with their Atheist Advent calendar:


When December rolls around are you confused? Does it perplex you how a woman could get pregnant without having sex? Does it seem weird that the birth of humanities so called “savior” has somehow led to a fat guy coming down your chimney and reindeer flying through the air? Do you ever ask yourself “what is figgy pudding?”

If any of these questions resonate with you, then we’ve got the perfect product to help you get through the holiday season. We may not be able to answer all of your theological questions, but we can provide some steps for you to enjoy the holidays in a different way. Buy the Atheist Advent Calendar for yourself and a friend, and enjoy a good old laugh.

There’s no chocolate, but when you open the boxes, there’s advice on how to enjoy the season in a secular way. Cute idea. The product is $18 for anyone interested.

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