Nebraska Atheists Put Up Billboard About Living “The Good Life Without God” October 11, 2016

Nebraska Atheists Put Up Billboard About Living “The Good Life Without God”

The Lincoln Atheists in Nebraska just put up a billboard asking and answering the question: “The Good Life without God? It’s possible.”


The billboard, which cost approximately $500 for a month, was funded entirely by donations from group members. It’s located at the intersection of 17th and South Street, which is right by a major hospital and several local businesses.

The group’s President, Brian Aden, told me it was too early to gauge reaction, but they’re hoping for the best.

We are really hoping that the billboard helps bring our message being good and happy without God is possible, especially here in Nebraska where so many feel that God is necessary to live “The Good Life.”

(Thanks to Erin for the image)

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