The Secular Student Alliance is Looking for a New Executive Director November 1, 2016

The Secular Student Alliance is Looking for a New Executive Director

The Secular Student Alliance is looking for a new Executive Director now that the previous one is stepping down after more than a decade and a half in the position, and they just released the job description.


The new Executive Director (ED) must bring the professional experience, strategic vision, and inter-personal skills necessary to take the organization to the next level of achievement following the departure of the SSA’s founding leadership. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the ED is responsible for:

• Articulating SSA’s vision, acting as the primary voice to the public,
• Establishing fundraising goals and priorities and leading this effort,
• Developing strategic partnerships with mission-aligned organizations,
• Managing and supporting the staff.

If you have experience and the ability to take over an organization that does incredibly important work, please consider applying!

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