Humanist Celebrants Will Offer Free Wedding Services to Oppressed Groups Until Trump’s Inauguration November 22, 2016

Humanist Celebrants Will Offer Free Wedding Services to Oppressed Groups Until Trump’s Inauguration

In light of our ignorant next President and his homophobic Vice President — and all the signs pointing to a rollback of civil rights for marginalized groups — a group of non-religious “celebrants” say they will perform weddings for affected people for free until Donald Trump‘s inauguration.


… humanist celebrants endorsed by the Humanist Society, an adjunct of the American Humanist Association, will offer free weddings to LGBTQ individuals, immigrants and other marginalized communities that fear they will be negatively affected by a Trump presidency.

“We are proud of our humanist celebrants for standing up as allies for the marginalized communities that will be most negatively impacted by the uncertain political climate and the prejudices of the religious right, homophobia and white supremacy,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “In officiating weddings, a time of love and joy, we are demonstrating the strength of love and compassion, values that resonate not only with humanists but with all people.”

It’s a wonderful program that doubles as a wonderful public relations pitch. Highlighting how Trump’s presidency will cause incredible harm to already oppressed people with an act of love is a powerful act of symbolism and generosity.

Will anyone take them up on it? I don’t know. But there’s plenty of incentive for certain people to get married now before Trump’s team finds a way to make that more difficult.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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