“Heathen’s Greetings” Banner Goes Up in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania December 28, 2016

“Heathen’s Greetings” Banner Goes Up in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

In Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, there’s a Public Square where religious displays are common sightings. That’s why activist Justin Vacula has been applying to put an atheist banner there for the past few years, with the help of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

In 2013, his banner was vandalized, but there hasn’t been any issue so far this year with his “Heathen’s Greetings” banner:


“It is our hope that one day government spaces will be free from religious exhibitionism, and until then we will do our best to counter these displays,” says FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.

“Christians don’t own the month of December,” adds Co-President Dan Barker.

The more people complain about it, the more reason there is to put it up next year.

(via Justin Vacula)

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